Friday, December 2, 2011

More RAYMOND vs RAYMOND...Usher & ex wife Tameka

Tameka Raymond  Foster is initiating her own round of Raymond vs Raymond with recent filings for sole custody of the kids, more child support, requesting Usher take drug tests & more....

As posted on,
Foster, however, alleges he was under the influence of something. “I dated him . . . when he’s had a very serious throat condition and he still performs like a champ,” she said. “ I really feel strongly that something was going on there, and it wasn’t, ‘Oh I have laryngitis.’ ”
She made a further claim in the deposition: “I believe he gets high. And if he doesn’t then he’d take the drug test, correct?” 

Sidenote:  Tameka might want to curb her gold-digging ways...because with her drug allegations and more, she may end up doing damage to the brand that supports their children...and in the end, she won't get a dime. Tameka, watch that spite and greed girl, it might the nail in your own coffin!

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