Friday, December 2, 2011

Kim Kardashian..."I'm No Dummy"

According to, Kim Kardashian says "She's no dummy!" reports:
Kim acknowledges the split has been rough on her image and she would never have intentionally self-destructed.

And, Kim says, if this were really a wedding truly made for TV, she would have made it "way better," telling friends, "I'm no dummy.  The divorce would have been just as dramatic and dragged out as the wedding." 
kim kardashian makeup smokey

Yeah, she's no dummy...which is EXACTLY why this has turned into a media hot topic...she just didn't expect people to get so tired of her so fast, and be so OVER HER after this marriage she's trying to slant the outcome to improve her press...Kim wants the media frenzy, she just doesn't want the brand damage that can come with it...I guess ANY press isn't GOOD after this point, I'm whatever with this girl! 

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