Thursday, December 1, 2011

BET Sneak Peek @ the New Season of "The Game" (Airs 1.10.12)

BET recently revealed the sneak peek for Season 5 of "The Game."  The sneak peek was a disappointment.  Although it does look like the lighting and production may have improved (season 4 was a production nightmare), this was HORRIBLE editing to come up with this final clip to stand as a season preview.  The sneak peek gives no glimpse into what plot to expect this season...instead, it just screams "watch the new season because there will be lots of cameos!"

I've been a fan of the show since DAY ONE, so even though I've been disappointed since it moved over to BET, I will give it another try....I absolutely LOVE the entire cast, so let's just hope that the production team and the writers team give us a better quality show than last season.  I love that BET stepped up and gave this show a network home...I just hope that the quality improves.  And BET...please check the production/editing team because that sneak peek was terrible! Who put that sequence together...better yet, who approved it?! the link to take a look!

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